Mammalian globin gene sequences
Note: longer sequences and pairwise alignments between the human
and mouse beta-globin gene clusters are available
cow - sequence including the cow homologs of the beta and delta globin genes
- GenBank locus BOVBG
galago - galago beta-like globin gene cluster
- GenBank locus GCRHBEGEB
goat - goat epsilon I beta-globin gene
- GenBank locus CHEBGLI
goat.lcr - goat beta globin locus control region
- GenBank locus GOTGLOBE
human - 73308 bp containing most of the human beta-like globin gene cluster
- GenBank locus HUMHBB, modified by Trepicchio et al.
mouse - mouse beta-like globin gene cluster
mouse.hs4.seq - mouse HS4 control region of beta-globin locus
- GenBank locus MMMLCRHS4
rab.lcr - hypersenstive sites HS3 and HS2 of rabbit beta globin LCR
- GenBank locus RABGLOBCON
rabbit - rabbit beta-like globin gene cluster
- GenBank locus RABBGLOB, with a very few corrections
rhs4.seq - HS4 region of rabbit beta-globin LCR
- GenBank locus RABGLOBHSB
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