This is an interface to a utility that determines the locations at which the selected enzyme is cutting the human sequence. If so specified, alternative enzymes that cut the sequence at the same location are reported.
Enzyme: AatII AccI Acc65I AciI AflII AflIII AgeI AluI AlwI AlwNI ApaI ApaLI ApoI AscI AseI AvaI AvaII AvrII BamHI BanI BanII BbsI BbvI BcgI BcgI(second_site) BclI BfaI BglI BglII BpmI Bpu1102I BsaI BsaAI BsaBI BsaHI BsaJI BsaWI BsgI BsiEI BsiHKAI BsiWI BslI BsmI BsmAI BsmFI Bsp120I Bsp1286I BspDI BspEI BspHI BspMI BsrI BsrBI BsrDI BsrFI BsrGI BssHII Bst1107I BstBI BstEII BstNI BstUI BstXI BstYI Bsu36I ClaI Csp6I DdeI DpnI DpnII DraI DraIII DrdI EaeI EagI Eam1105I EarI Ecl136II Eco47III Eco57I EcoNI EcoO109I EcoRI EcoRV Esp3I Fnu4HI FokI FspI HaeII HaeIII HgaI HhaI HincII HindIII HinfI HinP1I HpaI HpaII HphI KasI KpnI MboI MboII MluI MnlI MscI MseI MslI MspI MspA1I MunI MwoI NaeI NarI NciI NcoI NdeI NgoMI NheI NlaIII NlaIV NotI NruI NsiI PacI PaeR7I PflMI PleI PmeI PmlI Ppu10I PpuMI Psp1406I PstI PvuI PvuII RsaI RsrII SacI SacII SalI SapI Sau3AI Sau96I ScaI ScrFI SfaNI SfcI SfiI SmaI SnaBI SpeI SphI SspI StuI StyI TaqaI TfiI Tsp509I Tth111I XbaI XcmI XhoI XmaI XmnI
Direction in which the enzyme pattern should be matched against the sequence:
Normal Inverse Complement Either
Alternative enzymes cutting the sequence at the same place to be:
Shown Not Shown
Press for results, to return to defaults.