Guidelines for Searching the Syllabus

Additional Options:


The terms in this list are the "fields", or types of information, that can appear in each entry. Click on the check box to the left of one or more of them to select the ones that should be searched. (If you don't check any of these, the default is to search all of them.)

To see a sample entry for a particular field, click on its name. For instance, to see what kind of information appears in the Hb field, click on the text "Hb", and you will receive the following:
Hb S beta6(A3)Glu->Val
Thus from this example it is evident that you can search for a variant's common name, residue number ("beta6", "beta109", etc.), or amino acids (wild-type, variant, or both; e.g., "Glu->Val"). This learn-by-example approach should serve as a guide to queries on any of the fields. (Most of the examples are from Hb S.)


Click on the check box to the left of one or more of these items to select the categories of variants that should be searched. (Again, if you don't check any, the default is to search all of them.)

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